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Pray for Ukraine

Sam Pritchard

We have all seen the violence and destruction that has been caused by the recent Russian invasion. As Christians in Libanus Church we have prayed in prayer meetings, organised a financial collection to support people in the hardest of circumstances. However as Christians we firmly believe in the power of prayer because we pray to a God more gracious than we are. We will continue to pray together and as individuals for the ongoing situation.

Six key Prayer Points

We know we should pray, but the question is always what can we pray for? Sometimes we all need some pointers to help us pray and a Christian relief charity called Tearfund has an article which lists some key things we can pray for so we can be informed in our prayers. I have adapted this list, and I hope it will be useful as we turn to God in prayer.

Following on from our video a shortened version of the six key prayer points can be found below to help inform your prayers. Please do continue to pray for those who are in need.

The Bible contains a great prayer in the Old Testament which is a great template for us to pray “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26).

Please do continue to Pray for Ukraine.


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